One feels that the objects in his still lifes are true and living things, and not mere workshop props.
[Painter] Luc-Albert Moreau, 1938
La Vernède charms us… with works whose extreme chromatic subtlety brings us, almost unwittingly, at the door of marvelous abstraction.
Journal de l’amateur d’art, 1961
We have in La Vernède the most subtle descendant of Bonnard and Vuillard, one of our best “intimate” painters.
Jean Chabanon, 1962
La Vernède’s paintings are successful examples of the most sparkling modern style, expressing the eternal imagination of children and people.
Raymond Charmet, 1962
All the works shown are incomparable masterpieces of subtle emotions with suavely shimmering colors; they offer supreme delectation for the eyes and the heart.
Henri Héraut, 1964
… one of the most important artists among figurative painters of today…
André Weber, 1969
This modest artist shows himself to be one of the most inventive and refined colorists of his generation.
Georges Hilaire, 1970